Podcast and Painting Project

Time-lapse of the painting process along with the podcast I recorded to discuss this issue.

Acrylic on canvas, 2024

Music by my sister, Mel

Spotted vs Barred Owl Podcast

This project was for an assignment in my Interdisciplinary Inquiry class, it did not need to be a painting, the assignment was to make a podcast about an issue through multiple disciplines, I made a painting about the podcast as one of the disciplines. 

The lines created by the overlapping forested hills shows the population increase in barred owl and decrease in spotted owl populations. The rodent in the middle is a food source for both species, overlapping food sources can cause a conflict between species. The middle hill on top has bare trees and that is because the biggest issue causing this decline in spotted owls is lack of habitat. The old growth redwood forests that these owls live in are burning. The loss of these old growth forests means habitat loss for many species, and while some can move and find habitat in other locations, some species cannot.